CBCSS College Level Monitoring Committee 2017-18
Monitoring of the First Degree Programme is been done by College Level Monitoring Committee (CLMC). The college Level Monitoring Committee consists of the Principal, the heads of departments and the elected representatives of teachers. The Principal, Dr. K.Unnikrishnan is the Chairperson, Dr. Pradeep Varma.P.K is the Convener and Dr.Sreekala.R.B is the Deputy convener of College Level Monitoring Committee (CLMC). The CLMC is responsible for the conduct of First year degree programme, ensuring instructional days, making arrangements for ESE of various semesters.
The following are the activities of CLMC :-
1. Department Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC) has been constituted with the Heads of the departments and all the teachers of the department.
2 Ensured that the Internal Grade sheets prepared and displayed on time.
3. Made necessary arrangements to conduct two sets of test papers for all the programmes in each semester.
4. Ensured that consolidated the grade sheets for each semester prepared and forwarded the same to the University.
5. Taken steps for implementing the “Open Course” for each programme during the fifth and sixth semester.
6. CBCSS Students Grievance Cell has been formed to examine the complaints of students regarding the internal grade marks.
7. Conducted meetings at regular intervals with Department Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC) to ensure the effective conduct of the CBCSS Programme.