Radio Club

           According to the decision taken in the first staff a radio club named RADIO SAMSKRTAM is formed in the Government Sanskrit College to encourage and motivate the students to handle Sanskrit language themselves. Smt. Gayathri Devi G, Assistant professor in Vedanta is suggested as the convener of the club. Dr. E N Eswaran, Assistant professor in Jyoutisa, Dr.SmithaSabu, Assistant professor in Vedanta and Smt. Bindhya K S, Assistant professor in Vyakarana and Sri. Sudheesh O S, Assistant professor in Jyoutisa are requested by the Convener to do the needful help to arrange the programs of the Club.

During the Sanskrit Week Celebration, on 08-082017, the RADIO SAMSKRTAM is inaugurated by the Ex. Sanskrit News Reader of All India Radio, Dr. Baladevananda Sagar through Video Conferencing in the Smart Classroom. The daily Sanskrit news programme is named as VARTA-SAMSKRTAM. The first broadcasted news was read by the Chairman of the College Union, Sri. Nandu S. This was a new and wonderful experience to the student community.

To conduct the news reading properly, a panel of experts and a News panel are prepared. The News Panel include ten students. The duty is given to two students per day in a week. They are preparing the News daily.

A Panel of News Readers is formed and it will be changing on every month to provide chance to every student to read the news.

The Club organised and trained the students to perform a Radio Programme named YUVAVANI at All India Radio, Thiruvanathapuram, which was broadcasted as two episodes on 25th August and 8thSeptember 2017.

The Club is aiming to broadcast a variety of programs in different languages in and outside the Campus. Thus the club aims to inspire the Students to spread the fame of Govt. Sanskrit College all over the World.


13-09-2017                                                                                                                                              Gayathri Devi G

Thiruvananthapuram                                                                                                                               Convener