H.H.Maharajas Govt.Sanskrit college was founded in 1889 by Sri Mulam Thirunal Rama Varma, one of the most renowned rulers of the States of Travancore. The Maharaja went on a pilgrimage to Banarse and he had occasion to visit the Sanskrit College, there imparting in various Sastras, Being impressed by the College, he on his return invited celebrated scholars in Sanskrit from different parts of India to start a new institution on the model of the Sanskrit College at Banaras. Thus in 1889 the Sanskrit College, took shape in a temple at Mitranandapuram, housed within the Fort area and was run under royal patronage. The institution enjoyed the protection of the ‘Rajashri’ for a long period of 35 years. Sri Chitira Thirunal Balaramavarma who succeeded him took great interest in the promotion and propagation of Sanskrit Studies a new building with adequate facilities was built for the College by the Government during his regime. He used to invite scholars of repute from different parts of India for the Navaratry Vidvat Sadas and awarded medals and prized to the deserving pundits. The institution flourished under his patronage with the attainment of freedom of India in 1947 the Government introduced necessary reforms in the College and raised it to the status of a full fledged First Grade Degree College. This institution with a glorious Past of nine decades can be said the first of its kind in South India.
Sri A. R Raja Raja Varma was appointed the First Principal of the institution by Sri Mulam Tirunal Rama Varma, Mahamahopadyaya Dr. T. Ganapathi Sastri succeeded him as Principal in 1899. On Sri Sastri’s retirement, Sri Thuravoor Narayana Sasthrigal, the celebrated scholar in Sanskrit grammar, became the Principal of the institution. When Sri Narayan Sastri left service Sri Krishna Sastrigal became the Principal. He continued as the Head of the institution till 1917. On his retirement, Sri V, Krishnan Thampi was appointed Principal. In 1919 the college which was housed within Fort was shifted to a building at Palkulangara, Thiruvananthapuram.
In 1935 the Vedic section in the College was separated and its management was entrusted to the Department of Devaswoms.
The courses of studies in the College were reorganised in 1917. The College worked in accordance with the recognised scheme till its affiliation to the University of Madras in 1936. Instructions according to the siromani Course of the University of Madras was provided till 1941.
With the inception of the University of Travancore in 1938, the College was transferred to and placed under the maintenance and control of the University. Arrangements were made for providing instruction for the Mahopadyaya. Title Examination of the Tranvancore Univeristy and provision was made for study of the different Sastras such as Nyaya, vYakarana, Sahitya, Jyothisha and Vedanta. The Vedanta branch for the Mahopadyaya Examination was opened during 1943.
In 1948 Government constituted a committee to enquire in to the position of Sanskrit /education in the State and to formulate proposals for the reorganisation for /Sanskrit /schools and Colleges with a view to the promotion of Sanskrit studies as an integral part of the Scheme of Secondary and Collegiate Education. The Committee submitted its report to the Government and Government approved these recommendations of the committee and accorded sanction to the raising of the status of the Sanskrit College to that of a full Degree College. Special care was taken by the committee for reorganisation to see that the content of the new course envisaged was the same as that of the Mahopadyaya courses prevalent till the reorganisation as far as studies in Sanskrit were concerned. The services of Sri N. Gopala Pillai, M.A., the Principal of the institution deserve special mention in this context.
The college began to function as a full-fledged First Grade Degree College offering post graduate degree courses in Nyaya and Vedanta in 1956.The Degree Course in Jyotisastra was introduced in 1980. Professor T.A Dhanapalan assumed charge as Principal on July 2, 1986. During his tenure the College was approved as a Research Centre by the University of Kerala. At present the University of Kerala has issued Letter of consent to start Mphil course in Sanskrit Sastra.