Performing Arts Club

    PERFORMING ARTS CLUB is formed in the campus as per the decision taken by the College Council to promote the talented Arists and Performers of govt. Sanskrit College on 21st July 2016. Dr. Pradeep varma, HOD & Assistant Professor in Vyakarana is nominated as the Co-Ordinator of the Club. Dr. R B Sreekala, HOD of Mlayalam, Dr. Smitha Sabu, Assistant Professor in Vedanta, Smt. Bindhya K S, Assistant Professor in Vyakarana, Sri. Gireesh M P, Assistant Professor in Jyoutisa, Smt. Mini K, Assistant Professor in Sahitya are faculty members and Sri.Unnikkuttan V S, Ashtami S S, Meenu Suresh, Athul J are student representatives of the Club.
On 6th September 2016, the club is inaugurated by Dr. K R Rajeev, Asst.Prof. in Medical Oncology Department at RCC,Tvpm and he demonstrated Kathakali, the temple iconic art program of Kerala.
PERFORMING ARTS CLUB collected Theyyam photos and made an album, is inaugurated by submitting the same to the Principal, to provide an awareness regarding the folk art forms too
The PERFORMING ARTS CLUB of the academic year 2017-18 came into existence in continuation to the last year’s club. Dr. P V Sreenivasan, Assistant Professor in Vedanta is assigned as the Convenor for this Academic Year. Dr. Harinarayanan M, Assistant Professor in Jyoutisa, Dr. Pradeep Varma, Dr. R B Sreekala, Dr. Rajesh Kumar P, Assistant Professor in Vedanta, Dr. Sobha P, Assistant Professor in Sahitya, Sri. Vinod Kumar Kattumunda, Assistant Professor in Vyakarana, Smt. Bindhya K S, Assistant Professor in Vyakarana and Arts Club Secretary to the Union Sri. Gokul are selected as the members of the Club.
As per the decision taken by the Club members in the meeting, a Kudiyattam group, Drama troop, and a painting group are organized by selecting the talented students. The Kudiayattam group is practicing their program to perform in the Cultural event evening during NAAC accreditation. The Drama troop is trained by Dr. P V Sreenivasan to perform Sanskrit drama in the Arts day Celebration in the campus. The Vedanta Students Reshma S and Rustha, who are talented to draw glass paintings, are requested to draw some paintings to make an exhibition.
During Onam Celebration, the staff Club of the Campus is suggested by the Club to gift the Glass Paintings done by the students as the first prizes for the competitions held.