SSP 2019-2020

Scholar Support Programme

  • A student support programme introduced by Govt.of Kerala under New Initiatives for giving additional support to those students who are weak in their subjects.
  • The programme started in the college from 2013.
  • The programme will be offered for all semesters of the 3-year Under Graduate Programme .
  • A College should select a maximum of 5 subjects and a maximum of 50 students under the programme.
  • One of the subjects must be Common Course in English .

Aims & Objectives

  • To extend personalized additional support to students in their weak subjects included in the curriculum.
  • To improve the Confident Level of the Students.
  • This Programme helps the students to their Learning Capacity.
  • It aims to develop their Personality & Mental Ability.
  • Aims to give support students those who are in a financially backward situation.
  • Through Interactive Sessions students get opportunity to express their ideas with confidents.

Execution of the Programme

  • It is meant for extending Personalized Additional Support to students in the subjects included in the curriculum through tutorials, study materials, additional lectures, question banks, and interactive sessions.
  • The subjects in which students need additional support will be identified at College Level.
  • The result analysis conducted at the University Level can be used to identify the students.
  • In addition to special classes by faculty, study material will be provided to the students selected to the programme.
  • Content Generation through setting up of question banks and videos are also components of the programme.

Resource Persons

  • Internal

Generally the Faculty members of each Departments are the Resource Persons in the Programme.

  • External

      From 2016-17 Five sessions of General Mentoring Classes are Included in the Programme .

For this purpose Resource Persons from various field like Yoga, Psychology ect are invited as External mentors.     

SSP in Govt.Sanskrit College

  • SSP implimented in this College from 2013

Co- Ordinators    

  1. Ravikumar M.B (Asst. Prof. of Malayalam ) – 2013-2015.
  2. Dr.R.B.Sreekala (Asst.Prof. of Malayalam ) – 2015-2017.
  3. Dr.Shabana Habeeb (Asst.Prof. of Hindi)      – 2017 onwards.

Governing Body of SSP

Governing body includes :-  Principal, SSP Co-ordinator, IQAC Convenor and HODs of all Departments. Governing body frequently meet and take decisions regarding SSP.

Selection of subjects and students.

According to SSP regulations  a maximum of 5 subjects will be selected under the Programme. But in the special circumstances of our College, in addition to English five other main subjects to be included in the Programme. So we have total six subjects under this Programme . 50 students from 1st 2nd and 3rd year UG Programme are selected for SSP. The selection is purely on the basis of result analysis conducted at the University Level Exams.

  • Faculty members of each Departments are engaging SSP classes in all working days from 3.30 to 4.30 pm .
  • Classes includes various Innovative Methods.
  • In addition to tutorials , study materials ,Question Banks & Videos are given to the students.
  • Additional Lectures , Interactive Sessions are inevitable in this Programme.
  • The Resource Persons evaluate the students through various techniques like Test paper, Questioning, Brain Storming ect.

External Classes

  • From 2016 ,five sessions of General Mentoring Classes are included in the Progrmme .
  • These classes are included for Motivating the students in their Learning & Day today life.
  • External Mentors from various discipline take classes to Motivate the Students.
  • 2016-17

External Mentors

Sri.P.Pandirajan & Sri.Sreekantan Nair engaged mentoring sessions on Mind Refreshing & Yoga respectively.

Result of SSP In our College

  • Through Evaluation we observed that a large number of students under this Programme improved their Learning in weak subjects.
  • Their confidence level also improved.
  • It reflected in the result of University level examinations and the whole result of the College.
  • Through the English classes taken in SSP the speaking skills of the students also developed .


  • New Initiatives under the Higher Education Department, Govt. of Kerala implimented several student friendly Programmes like SSP, WWS,ASAP Etc. is a big milestone in the Education field.
  • SSP is a great step in motivating academically and financially backward students in their learning.
  • We achieved successfully the Aims & Objectives of this Programme in our College.