Health Club

          As per the decision taken in the Staff Council Meeting, A Health Club is organized in the Govt. Sanskrit College for the Physical and Mental Fitness of Students and Staff. Dr. P V Sreenivasan, Assistant Professor in Vedanta, who has completed first aid training, is advised to be the Convener of this committee.
The club activities are co-ordinated with the Department of Physical Education. Dr. Aji P L, HOD of Physical Education Department, Dr. N A Shihab, Asst. Prof. in Sahitya, Dr. Shabana Habeeb, HOD of Hindi, Smt. Bindhya K S, Asst. Prof. in Vyakarana, Dr. Sujith S, Asst. Prof. in Vyakarana, Sri. Renil Dev M R, Asst. Prof. in Vyakarana, Dr. Jayakrishnan Nampoothiri, Asst. Prof. in Jyotisa, Sri. Arun Kumar M, Sports Secretary to the Students Union, Sreelekshmi, 5th Sem. Nyaya Student are selected to the Health Club as members to perform the activities of 2017-2018.
On 19th July 2017 the Badminton Court, marked by the Health Club is inaugurated by Dr. Fine C Dathan, HOD of Physical Education Department at govt. Ayurveda College, who is an International referee to the Badmiton. The students and staff are promoted by the Club to play Badminton everyday in the evening from 4.30 pm.
A Badminton Tournament is organized by the Health Club in connection with the Onam Celebration. Three teams of Students and Staff are competed and staff team of Dr. Sujith S and Sri. Jayakrishnan nampoothiri became the winners. The Club decided to ensure the active participation of Students and Staff in the Blood Donation Program of the Campus.The club provides First Aid to the students and staff according to the necessity.

Health club Report 2021-22